Biggest Rental Marketing Trends in 2023: How To Get Your Real Estate Business Ready!

Biggest Rental Marketing Trends in 2023: How To Get Your Real Estate Business Ready!

Stay updated with rental marketing trends! Explore upcoming real estate marketing trends so realtors can leverage them in the local property market.

Market Insights

The new year is coming, and it will bring new challenges, tasks, and aspirations with it. Most of us have already begun working on our resolution lists like ERP For Real Estate. However, are you ready with your 2023 business marketing plan? This blog post will discuss upcoming real estate marketing trends so realtors can use them in the local property market in 2023.

Video Marketing

In the past few years, video marketing has increased generally. But nobody anticipated it would also become significant in real estate marketing! Nowadays, people would view walkthrough videos of real estate listings rather than make in-person visits. Especially now that everything is digital, most consumers' purchasing habits have significantly changed. That's okay. If your customers are savvy, your marketing plan should be, too. If you try adding videos to your listings on real estate portals or social media (Instagram Reels), you will undoubtedly see a significant spike in inquiries and leads.

2. Social media presence: Now is when you still need to make a social media page for your real estate company. You should also develop your presence on social media as soon as possible. You won't spend any money on setting up a page on social media sites, but doing so will assist you in increasing audience size and brand recognition. However, do something other than marketing your properties on social media. Remember that customers use social media to interact with brands and keep informed about their occurrences rather than to make straight purchases. Mix your content with value, comedy, and information. Building authority & trust with new audiences should be your only goal while using social media.

Which social media platforms are most frequently used for real estate marketing?

  • Instagram
  • Clubhouse
  • Twitter Spaces 
  • Facebook
  • YouTube 

3. Online tours of real estate: Since the covid-19 pandemic occurred, virtual tours have multiplied. Many potential buyers and investors prefer to browse properties online before making travel arrangements. These tours assist a buyer in determining their level of interest and comprehending the property's general appearance and feel. Virtual tours are the preferred option for real estate agents marketing upscale homes or commercial properties like stores, restaurants, and meeting spaces. Additionally, many real estate developers are now pushing 3D walkthrough movies of their developments. These tours continue to be a very sought-after feature that people look for when searching for properties online, and their popularity is sure to grow going forward. They may be a very profitable alternative for your real estate business.

4. Advertising through Email: Since its debut, email marketing has played a significant role in real estate agent's marketing plans. 99% of people who use email check it daily, according to a source.

The following are the benefits of Email marketing:

  • You can interact with your target audience.
  • Create individualized content and efficient marketing.
  • Increase website visitors.
  • Boost sales overall while increasing leads.
  • Gather feedback and survey results.

Creating a personal contact list and having the privilege to communicate directly with your potential clients are two reasons why building an email list is vital and will benefit you in the long term. Email marketing in the real estate business is the most productive way to reach your audience, which may also increase overall revenue and leads. Email marketing is still alive and will play a crucial role in future real estate marketing plans.

5. Paid Online Advertisements: Nowadays, buying a home is done online. Before the epidemic, there were digital platforms. But during and after the outbreak, demand for these platforms grew across all businesses. Nearly 50% of the population of India uses the internet and prefers to shop online on average. Even some people made their hotel reservations online. Why not also employ digital advertising for the real estate industry, given that most sectors do so? Compared to traditional marketing strategies, digital marketing enables you to run less expensive advertisements while connecting with a broader audience. Every real estate agent should at least once attempt to investigate the possibility of online advertising.

6. Multi-Tasking PMS for Real estate: Project Management Software For Real Estate is used by a variety of real estate professionals, including commercial, tenants, retail, property owners, and real estate investment firms, to improve their approach, performance analysis, reduce waiting times for properties, store complex rented data from various contractors, streamline core operations, facilitate maintenance requests, receive alerts about deliveries or charges, connect with managers, and improve efficiency.

Final Conclusion

Your real estate business will generate more leads, reach a wider audience, and make more money if your strategy is effective and in line with current marketing trends. It is crucial to constantly update your plans as per the most recent marketing trends. It's essential to comprehend at least your target audience's purchasing habits, which are continually changing due to technological improvements, even if you need to follow the most recent trends. Recognize their origins, the websites they use most frequently, the trends they follow, and the marketing strategies that might influence their choices. Create engaging material that is distinctive, novel, and valuable. Lastly, maintain consistency in your strategic marketing initiatives, which will add up over time and generate excellent business leads.

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