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REDA Construction

Streamlining construction, from blueprint to brick, with REDA

Experience construction management like never before with REDA - our cloud-based real estate ERP, powered by Salesforce. Elevate your projects with unmatched efficiency, integration, and real-time insights.

REDA software Mackbook

REDA helps solve many of the challenges Construction companies face:

Project Management

Keeping track of numerous construction projects, their stages, and timelines can be daunting. REDA can provide comprehensive project management tools that ensure timely completion and efficient resource allocation.

Cost Control and Budgeting

Overruns in construction budgets can be detrimental. REDA offers real-time estimation and tracking of expenses against budgets, helping prevent unforeseen expenditures.

Supply Chain Management

Ensuring timely availability of materials and machinery is crucial. REDA can integrate with suppliers, manage inventories, and streamline procurement processes.

Labor and Workforce Management

With construction projects often involving hundreds of workers, tracking their schedules, payments, and productivity becomes manageable with REDA.

Documentation and Compliance

Construction requires a plethora of documents, permits, and regulatory compliances. REDA can store, track, and manage these, ensuring all projects adhere to necessary standards and laws.

Subcontractor Management

Coordinating with various subcontractors and ensuring their timely and quality contributions can be systematically managed within the REDA system

Communication and Collaboration

Ensuring all stakeholders, from architects to site managers, are aligned is vital. REDA can facilitate seamless communication and offer tools for collaborative planning and decision-making.

Risk Management

REDA can identify potential risks, whether they're financial, operational, or environmental, enabling preventive measures.

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

Decision-makers need access to current data. REDA can provide real-time reports and analytics on various metrics, aiding in informed decision-making.

Quality Control

Ensuring the quality of construction can be systematized through REDA’s Inspection & Operations module, which can manage quality checks, inspections, and certifications.

Bid Management

For construction firms that bid on projects, REDA can assist in tracking, managing, and analyzing various bids.

Financial Management

From invoicing clients to handling payments for suppliers, the REDA’s Accounting & Financials module can ensure transparency and accuracy.

Real Estate Developers

Give a definite structure to your construction projects with REDA's
construction project planning software.

Manage your critical machinery assignments

Budget allocations, controls & tracking

Optimized resource allocations

AI-driven risk forecasting and real-time cash-flow analysis.

General Contractors

Increase your profit margins by ensuring your employees, subcontractors and assets are put to highest and best use with REDA's project management software for contruction.

Seamless client management, including invoicing, budget requests, and digital information sharing in real-time.   

Sub-contractor rate and contracts management, purchase orders, invoices, and delivery management.

Integrated configurable approval processes and communication templates.

Centralized document management, template driven document generation and e-signatures with REDA's construction document management software feature.

Property Managers

Construction scheduling software Digitally manages your sub-contractor negotiated rates for labor and service, project requests, approvals, cost variances & much more.

Dedicated portal for sub-contractors and suppliers.

Estimates & project scheduling automation.

Connected native enterprise accounting.

Banking integrations to streamline receivables and payables with construction accounting software.

All-in-one Real Estate Technology Solution: From CRM to Business Automation to Accounting, Unify Your Success!

Unify property management, financial analytics, and tenant relations in one powerful platform. Optimize, streamline, and lead with data-driven real estate insights.

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It's easier than ever to scale. A ready-to-use app for almost every digital need!

4,000+ plug-and-play business apps - be a part of the world’s largest digital ecosystem with REDA.

REDA runs on Salesforce, the world's #1 innovative technology platform. It works on any device and easily integrates with your existing tools.

Join us on the journey to hyper-growth with the world’s #1 Real Estate Technology Solution

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