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Implementation Services

Streamline Your Real Estate Operations: Seamless Implementation Tailored to Your Needs!

Transform your real estate operations with REDA’s specialized ERP Implementation services, tailored to streamline processes and drive growth in the property industry

REDA software Mackbook
Discovery & Planning

The discovery call is the first step to the REDA team understanding your current challenges, defining the scope and project plan after taking into account your goals. We ask you questions about your existing technology stack (if any), data and processes followed, user roles and permissions to be built in and close with setting up a follow up meeting where we meet with the formal statement of work.

Statement of Work

 We create a detailed project plan, outlining timelines, resources, milestones, and budgets. Roles and responsibilities are assigned to both the REDA implementation team and the client's team. Review and approval of the plan is confirmed so that it can have the correct impact.

Collaboration & Customization

A shared project workspace is created. Tasks are planned and scheduled, identifying dependencies and visualizing project timeline through Gantt charts. This includes real time communication & collaboration, task tracking and progress monitoring, issue tracking and risk management. REDA is then customized and configured to meet your specific requirements. This includes defining data structures, workflows, and business rules.

Data Migration & Integrity

The next step is to identify, cleanse, and format data from the old system(s) to be migrated. Migrated data is validated to ensure accuracy and completeness. Data migration scripts are developed and test migrations are performed. User Access Testing is done to ensure all processes have been covered.

User Training

REDA provides recorded training sessions to overcome both language and location barriers for teams. We follow the Train the Trainer approach so that your team can not only become experts but also be able to teach their own colleagues.

Post Implementation Support

REDA provides ongoing support and maintenance to address user questions and issues. We continuously optimize and improve the system based on user feedback

“The big selling point of centralizing operations inside Salesforce & REDA is the return on investment. We grew about 20% last year and ended the year with fewer people than we started. That’s directly because of things that were implemented through REDA.”
client image
Adam Rigel
CFO & Co-Owner
JWB Real Estate Capital

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