REDA Business Process Automation

Put your employees to the highest and best use

REDA’s business automation tools empower you to eliminate mundane activities and automate redundant tasks. Thus, unleashing huge productivity gain by ensuring your resources are put to the highest and best use.

+26% increase employee productivity

Real Estate Automation Software




REDA’s automation tools are designed for one outcome - increasing your staff's productivity. Put your resources and assets to the highest and best use by leveraging process automation and built-in AI tools.

Simplify complex problems by putting advanced technology to work where businesses really need it, and in the process, optimize the systems that build business success.

How do we do it? It takes 3 things:

Optimize Icon

Our property management automation optimizes complex processes to remove bottlenecks and time between tasks.

REDA's extensive flexibility and configuration options allows you to tailor your SOPs as per your business requirements. 

Automate Icon

Automation software eliminates redundant and mundane tasks through process automation.

Returns on Investment
*as per client feedback
Scale Icon

Rapidly deploy new enhancements, technology innovations, and SOP changes.

REDA process configuration tools simplify the change management process and reduces change implementation time by 350%.

Real Estate Automation Software With No Code - Just Clicks!

REDA Point-and-Click Process Automation Bulider!

Forget costly IT development projects and resource-intensive lengthy timelines for change management and deployments. 

REDA point-and-click configuration and process automated systems empower you to swiftly implement SOPs customized to your business needs and growth objectives, achieving a 350% reduction in implementation time and resource utilization.

REDA point-and-click configuration and process automation tool
Communication Automation Icon

Define communication templates for notifications, reminders and updates with REDA's lead automation technology.

Use communication templates to send out communications automatically.

Tasks Automation Icon

Let technology do the heavy lifting.
Our automation software creates automated tasks, follow ups and task reminders that syncs with effective calendar management, Microsoft and Google services.

Data Triggers Icon

With our document automation system, configure your BI and data automation. REDA’s drag-and-drop data triggers bring not only your data to life but leverage consistent data driven actions and analytics. 

Custom Workflows Icon

Say goodbye to delays and cost overruns for technology adoption and enhancement with workflow automation software. With REDA's CRM automation tool, save up to 60% on time and cost with rapid process design, configuration and deployments.

Don't just take our word for it:
our clients thrive on REDA!

Achieve Business Success With Best Property Management Automation Software

REDA process automation built on a reliable Salesforce platform can eliminate costly mistakes.

In fact, as per a study conducted by Havard Institute, it is estimated that data errors and faulty information cost U.S. businesses $3 trillion every year. 

With REDA’s  effective property management workflow automation tool, business-process data is transferred directly between applications, eliminating the risk of human error, and ensuring that valuable information retains its accuracy.

Finance Automation For Cost Advantage

REDA Business Process Automation (BPA) tools save your business money by improving employee productivity and reducing process turnaround time.

financial upgrade arrow chart

Sales Automation For Sustainable ROI

While there is certainly an initial cost of investment in identifying the areas of process optimization and automation deployment, business process automation tends to pay for itself through increased work efficiency.

 A person sitting on a knee and analyzing the Sustainable ROI


How does REDA automate property listing processes for efficient marketing?
Can REDA automate the tenant screening and application approval process?
How does REDA automate rent collection and financial transactions?
Can REDA automate maintenance request workflows for timely issue resolution?
How does REDA automate lease renewal processes and expirations?
Can REDA automate the generation of financial reports and performance metrics?
Can REDA automate document management for lease agreements and compliance?
How does REDA automate property inspection processes for efficient monitoring?
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It's easier than ever to scale. A ready-to-use app for almost every digital need!

4,000+ plug-and-play business apps - be a part of the world’s largest digital ecosystem with REDA.

REDA runs on Salesforce, the world's #1 innovative technology platform. It works on any device and easily integrates with your existing tools.

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